Hot Deals You Don't Want to miss
In addition to the many weekly specials Central Booking Travel offers, below are some very exciting deals. Check 'em out!
Because we work so closely with leading travel service companies that include domestic and international airlines, cruise lines, and hotels, you can be assured that our staff will find you the best deals out there on complete travel packages!
And, unlike other travel agencies, Central Booking Travel DOES NOT CHARGE FEES when you take advantage of one of our current vacation packages! Why should you be charged for finding the best deal on your next vacation?
And, there's MORE!!! When you contact us about any of our outstanding specials and take advantage of our great deals, you will be given a $20.00 DISCOUNT ON YOUR TOTAL BILL, JUST FOR BEING OUR CUSTOMER! Imagine, a company that REWARDS YOU for finding the best vacation package!
Current Specials
Click the logos below for hot deals on Apple Vacations and FunJet Vacations.
Call us now at (773) 775-2468 to learn more about our Disney specials!
Take a little trip to Mexico with our multiple hot deals currently offered!
Call us now at (773) 775-2468 to learn more about getting maximum vacation at minimal cost!
Take advantage of our special savings on packages to the Caribbean.
Call us today at (773) 775-2468 and head to the Caribbean tomorrow!